Wrong urban planning has caused problems for condo owners in Griffintown. They say that land expropriation by the city to be used for parks is too late a hero. It should have been planned years back while the prices of the lots were at their lowest, from $8 to $20 per square foot. Now, budgetary allocation of the city is more than $28 million to buy the lot. Harvey Lev, a community activist lamented why the city excluded land appropriation for institutions and parks.
Griffintown Dubbed as a Trendy Borough
It cannot be denied that Griffintown is attracting condos for sale buyers as the district becomes the trendiest in Montreal. Developers are erecting new condo buildings alongside with the sprouting of businesses in the area. For his part, Dinu Bumbaru, policy director of Heritage Montreal said that to last in the market, the district’s image should be maintained not just as a trendsetter, but an ideal place for all generations. The changes are pretty obvious in Griffintown condos for sale where it offers a venue for rooftop gatherings and a spectacular view of the cityscape as opposed to its scenario 200 years back. Thanks to the zoning changes made by the city in 2008.
Development in Griffintown is Moving Forward
Despite the bad image of the borough, Mayor Benoît Dorais blames the past administration for poor planning. He said that development is moving forward as Griffintown condos emerged and investors keep coming. Unused lands are ready for development with the help of Programme particulier d’urbanisme. The city government has earmarked $141 million for land acquisition for parks and other infrastructure to address public outcry despite the accusations of fake consultations before its implementation. On his behalf, Raphaël Fischler, McGill urban planning director is doubtful as to the future of the borough as developers are not keen on innovation in building the condos; even if the branding could benefit them. Concerned business owner Charette and Paul-Émile Rioux, said that there is still life in the borough despite the lack of response from the city to their clamor for a central hub where people can converge.